I have a problem putting Electoral Reform before Nomination Reform, where we eliminate petition for a required online presence, EC Profile with 5 issue platform (not written by party), and a debate registry in which you have to accept invitations. Possibly have to have buttons made. Certainly live where they run.
I’d allow petty cash campaigns, Bitwallets. Remove a self appointed Auditor and require financial direct responsibility be on a Candidate, now they can hide behind Financial or Official Agents.
Added 10/25/2019: Worried about loaded ballots, in the past people have bribed people to run for money to free beer, hard to enforce, some did it openly as a joke. You could ban that. Rather than have petitions. But bored connected rich kids will always get on to cause trouble, if forced to have 3-5 serious policies, you may do a better job than petitions and fees.
I can accept a ranked ballot with a write-in option and a 1-6 Candidate rank 1st gets 10pt, 2nd gets 8, and then 6, 4, 2, 1. Or a 100 vote ranking, you divide your hundred votes to Candidates based on your level of support, with a write-in option.
Also may suggest regional small business rep, one that crosses 3 or 4 constituencies where not living but employing more than 3 people for sole owed profit business in the area. If employees are in that area. Even could be each constituency.
Some say, jokes and sensation mongers would run. Well Rhinos manage still. A lot of bored rich people out there still run. Amazing equality doesn’t apply to ballot access. Also amazing having a history of getting over 100 votes can’t count for a petition at the very least.
Our weakness is the Nationalization of elections by Media. Proportion isn’t something that works for me, preferential barely does. I had none but one, many Elections I had none period.
Hypothetically, if forced, for me, Leaders by Party: Libertarian, Rhino, Bloc, PPC, Con…
On Van-East: Libertarian, ML, PPC, Con, Liberal, NDP, Com, Green
Second is a distant aside from the Rhino Leader.
The Nationalization and focus on leaders even by “Local” Media, was the real harm. Think local is the best, there can always be differences leader to MP Candidate that are important. The Leadercentic way of things marginalize, especially with the self leadership beliefs. Also allows Candidates who don’t try in a district do better than those who don’t based on National Party Coverage. Being a Federalist, this is troubling.
Enumeration: Not sure districts should be larger than 40,000 people or 20,000.
Edited 10/25/2019